Saturday, 22 January 2011

Mari kita buat eksperimen! #2

This is my sequal dari first entry tentang pengunjung-pengunjung tegar belog I. I had a few feedback yang menarik from some of my visitors/ followers since I did this kind of eksperimen last time. 

It's good to now day my followers are increasing from time to time and I am really appreciate to all my followers which is so kind to read on all my entries and experiencing together with me especially on my Jasmin's development. Thank you guys!

Thank you also to the visitors yang drop by, nak jenguk-jenguk, nak jengah-jengah, nak singgah-singgah, yang tersesat, kat belog ini.

My recent visitors all around the world as today's date
However, I am a bit clueless bila tengok the total of my followers of my belog. Meh I explain one by one. So, anyone yang boleh tolong I solvekan mystery ni, is kindly appreciated.

For info, my recent followers as today's date is 21 followers aje.

This is print screen from my belog page showing all my followers, see the total followers are (21). And when I click "More", see what happen next....

It shows that All Followers are (21). HOWEVER, when I click "Next", see what happen....

My All Followers become (20). Eh! How come it happen like that? Memang saya sangat curious sekarang ini! The red arrow is actually showing me following my own belog.
So, let's count together;
21 - 1 (me) = 20 actual followers
When I count again on the followers details,
it become 19 followers.
my question here is,
Why at first it shows 21 followers but when I go through my followers detail, it only shows 20 followers?
Who is actually the one person missing mystery followers?

Mungkinkah ada follower-follower hantu sama ertinya seperti pengundi-pengundi hantu yang sering digembar-genburkan setiap kali pilihanraya diadakan? Huuuuu.... scary....

Anyway, I bukan nak pertikai siapa yang datang siapa yang tidak, siapa my silent reader, siapa yang melawat, siapa yang follow privately ke, itu hak masing-masing. Kalau I tak nak orang lain masuk belog I, baik I privacykan sahaja belog ni atau pun buat invited readers aje, but in my life right now, I always have something to share with someone out there yang sincere nak sharing the life journey together. Sharing is caring maaaaaa..... So I make it open to all readers.

One thing I always remind myself masa first time I try ber-belog-ing, I have to be rational. Rational dari segi penulisan I dan pembacaan I dari geng-geng belog yang lain. Rational juga dari segi peng-komen-peng-komen budiman yang kadang-kadang ikhals letak nama dan ada juga yang anonymous, tapi semua I jawab sama rata. And when I'm writing something, I have to consider what is the sensitivity of every issue yang I selalu kongsikan. Bukan main sedap jari, sedap hati, sedap rasa nak mengomel menggedik-gedik, complain sana, complain sini, maki sana, maki sini, kutuk sana, kutuk sini, and bila orang lain baca, akan timbul salah sangka and salah faham. Itu tak baekkkk...

Anyway, for this time issue, I dah perasaan benda ni dah lama dah, tapi cuma hari ni aje agak kelapangan nak bincangkan lebih detail. So, anyone care to help?

Tapi apa yang paling hillarious sekali tentang penemuan saya hari ini ialah on my keyword search, saya jumpa ini;

Apa kes orang US ni google "kucing nak mati", then kelik kat belog I, guna BB plak tuh!?


Mawar Merah said...

Hm. MM pun xtau mende2 gini. Pelik ek. Ada taktik br plak ke utk follower hantu follow, but actually tak follow pun blog org len? skrg pun dh rancak org mrh blogger yg guna auto bw. Kalo blh wt follower antu plak, mmg canggih la diorg punye taktik ni.

uncle gedek said...

Lama nya tunggu entry ni...!

1) The whole mistery = kelakar!

2) Kucing nak mati = super kelakar!

3) Follower hantu = seram!

(nanti I nak kira my follower juga lah...)


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