Bila ada issue, baru tergerak hati nak post entry macam-macam.
Tapi, bila tak ada issue rasanya elok duduk diam-diam.
(Dalam kepala otak dok sebok nyanyi .... boleh pandang-pandang, jangan peygang-peygang... kenapa entah!)
Dis week is my 12 weeks of pregnancy... means that i am now off the 1st trimester of preggy and now heading to my second trimester... The good news is; it is confirm (as on my second appointment with Dr Ishak on the 11th Dec), my due date will be on the 9th July 2011 which brings for me to think that why not I request from Dr Ishak to make me deliver on the 07.07.11. woot!woot! (awwww! my seven-eleven baby!)
Anyway, it's GOD's work! Anyhow, I am always praying hard for me to have a safe deliver without any complication! Amin......
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Presenting my 10 weeks baby; Taraaaaaaaa....... |
So far, my body condition for these past few weeks was still weak! But absolutely different when first time ngandung Jasmin dulu, nausea and fatigue memang teruk. My so-called morning sickness on my first trimester is a disaster! Wuuuuu...
But for my second baby now, Alhamdulillah, the morning sickness tak attack terok-terok sangat but still ada sikit-sikit. Contohnya macam I tak boleh drive kereta with air cond so kena fresh air jer, and I feel shooo tired in the evening bila time balik kerja. Nowadays, usually I dah start tergolek atas katil around 9.00/9.30pm. And and and I feel very dizzy every each time everywhere I go. I have no problems with the smell of foods, my shampoo, my sabun, however BAWANG memang tak sedap untuk dibau buat masa-masa sekarang ni tapi masih boleh masak memasak lagi.
Nak cerita bab makan-makan, memang tak ada selera langsung nak makan nasik. Lagi suka makan benda-benda fast food and right now I am shooo craving for seafood. Huurrmmm bila lah nak dapat makan sotong goreng tepung ni. And also cempedak goreng.... Susahnya nak carik..... sob!sob!
Emotional feelings this time around memang ada up and down lah. Biasalah, preggy woman memang emotional terlebih but still under control. Diam lebih baik dari membebel-bebel tak tentu arah. I have to coz I've learned the lesson before this, so no more stress-stress. I have to enjoy more on my pregnancy time. Cheerio!
However, stress on my work memang tak boleh dielakkan. The project for Section 1A will be hand over by end of this month AND of coz lah STRESSSSSS, nak blog entry banyak-banyak pun tak ada masa cos kena focus kat drafting work. Takpe, berkhidmat untuk masyarakat so nanti ramai rakyat-rakyat kat area Senawang/Seremban Selatan/ Pinggiran Senawang dah boleh naik keretapi elektrik straight to KL, tak payah sesak-sesak kat station Seremban lagi. Ooopppss, tak boleh cerita lebih-lebih, P&C, nanti kena saman. Will update the opening ceremony of the Sg Gadut Station soon... tungguuuuu....
Apa pun, untuk tidak mengelakkan saya lupa tentang pengalaman mengandung anak kedua ni, dan kalau tak ada masa nak tulis blog entry, saya lengkapkan kehidupan saya dengan buku ni, lebih kurang macam diari mengandung lah. Sangat-sangat berguna, banyak useful info and tips dari penulis buku ni, siap ada resepi lepas pantang lagi..... Sangat compact dan boleh letak dalam handbag dan boleh bawa ke mana-mana.
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Boleh didapati dimana-mana kedai buku berhampiran rumah anda. And I bought my copy from MPH bookstore. |
p.s. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Doa seseorang itu akan dikabulkan selagi dia tidak terburu-buru menyebabkan dia berkata, aku berdoa tetapi tidak dimakbulkan. [Bukhari & Muslim]
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