Ini kerja Adam early dis morning when everybody was busy preparing to work. Blue ink penuh satu mulut kat lidah dan ibu jari kiri ( Adam is thumb sucking baby) selepas makan blue ribbon near our tv.
I still remember when Jasmin was one year old plus she draw a biiiggg figure of anonymous thingy on my bathroom door using my lipstick. And today Adam has become very creative to color all his mouth and hand with blue color.
And today i realize that at the early of their age, my kids was very interested in colors.
Pfffftttsss. Mengucap panjang saya pagi ni.
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isap jari ea..ololololo..nnt mst jd anak omak ni..rejekkkkkk wat nantu..pffttsss
comeynyer adam... tp aku rasa baby besar ni dia suka benda yg leh transform.. contohnyer cam lipstick.. lorek n kuar color.. same goes with pen or marker...
camtu gak gadget, hp, bila tekan kuar lampu..
anak2 aku time besar camni pun x minat dgn mainan dia.. dia suka gadget.. gugurl aku lak skrg ni suka nak make up.. phewww...
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