Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.
#adrianajasmin #adammuhaimin #orkedadelia #airiskhadeeja
I had my dental check up last week. Having my tooth check up after so very long time never been to a dentist. The last one maybe when I was in my secondary school. It is compulsory for a preggie mommy like me as it is one of the KKIA requirement (perlu buat before 8month pregnancy). And i thought it would be a simple check up but ended doing a scaling for my whole teeth. Ouch! Eeeekss! Nyilu terasa sampai sekarang.
Basically i have no major problem with my teeth but the kind-hearted-dentist told me that there were some plagues which need to be taken away. Or I'll end up loosing my tooth soon as it will effect the gum and the root. Hurrm..... my next visit? Nehiiiii... tak nak!
Ngeeee..... my teeth!
And I bring along Jasmin with me, thinking that she will have her teeth check up too. Derrghhh.... when the dentist ask her to open her mouth, she close her mouth tightly. Maybe takut sebab before tu dia tengok I buat scaling. Even kalau I jadi Jasmin pun, I akan cabut lari balik rumah. But I nak sangat the dentist check her teeth as I've notice her bunny rabbit teeth dah berlubang di tengah. Dah ada rupa macam spongebob pun ada jugak. Tapi tak worst sangat macam some of her cousin yang dah berubah jadi kaler coklat and even worst their teetch dah tak ada rupa gigi. (Sila imagine sendiri...)
One tip from the dentist for kids like Jasmin, the toothpaste is not required yet if they telan all of them when you ask them to brush their teeth. Tak perlu Kodomo Lion or whatsoever. It's enough if u clean their teeth using a clean damp cloth. Some toothpaste is not good for children as they may contain some chemical ingredient yang tak sesuai for them.
Cerita dentist, teringat cerita Finding Nemo! BES!
u selalu tengok cartoon ke?
Haha! Ya... u tau, kalau cerita cartoon i dah tengok dengan family sekali... I boleh gi tengok sekali lagi sorang pulak! Kat panggong lagi!
huish! kalah jasmin....
ari tu bwk dia gi tengok yogi bear, tak sampai half hour dah ajak balik...
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