".....have you lost touch
with who you are
then risk everything
and let yourself go....."
♥ Julia Robert - Ohhhh how i adore her so very much! She's shooo beautiful. Pretty woman! I still remember when my mommy gave to me my birthday card (i can't remember what year hehe!) and she paste a paper cutting of Julia Robert, hurmm I wonder whether i still keep the card or not. FYI, I have one huge box containing of all the cards, letters, postcards, brochures which I've been collected it since I was in school. Sayang nak buang bila orang dah bagi cantik-cantik. Especially card yang kawan-kawan buat sendiri. It shows that it is made sincerely for me. This brings me to the first day when I move out from my parents house, my hubby pelik cos I have a plenty of collection of "papers" which bring no meanings for him. Well, derrghhh mr husband, it's all MEMORIES!
Ever since the first time I love him, I've seen me inside him.
Everything seems so right being with him.
But not until that day, he's the one who made me lost again....
Anyway, here I share the synopsis of the movie which I tak dapat nak pergi tengok kat cinema (dah dua tahun kalau tak silap tak jejak kaki kat TGV tuh semuanya kerana Cik Jasmin kita!)

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